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Top : Tourist Railroads and Railway Museums USA : Midwest USA : Indiana : Indiana - Fort Wayne Railroad Historical Society, Inc.

Indiana - Fort Wayne Railroad Historical Society, Inc.

Fort Wayne, IN - Nickel Plate Berkshire 765; Fort Wayne Railroad Historical Society, Inc. We own former New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad steam locomotive No. 765. We share our locomotive with the people of the country by operating excursions on various railroads in the eastern United States.

An all-volunteer, award winning non-profit, we offer outstanding, educational experiences through the operation of one of the last steam locomotives in the world: Nickel Plate Road no. 765. We are proud caretakers of history that inspires the senses and quickens the pulse. Climb aboard and listen for the whistle.

Site URL: https://fortwaynerailroad.org/
Date resource added: 13-Jun-2000
Hits from this site: 2409
Viwer Rating: 8.5
Number of Votes: 4

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