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| Model Railroad Forums
Websites offering railroad and model railroad related software. A variety of products are cover here, some geared to the railroad industry, others designed for the hobbyist or model railroader.
Software Subcategories:
There are 16 links in this category
RailSoft Systems, Inc
InfoRail is HR management and FRA compliance software. TrackAccess makes all track controlled track for safer railroad operation. The software manages track authorities without using a dispatcher. The system provides slow orders, stop and flag orders, and emergency contacts by milepost.
Info: URL: http://www.railsoftsystems.com (Added: 18-Oct-2005)
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RailTech Software Systems
RailTech Software Systems currently has three Window programs: one for creating billing repair cards called MARS for Windows one for rail car management called The BRIDGE and the third for managing lease information for the Lessor/Lessee or Owner. There are demo downloads on this site as well as current U.S. and Canadian Price Master in PDF.
Info: URL: http://www.railsoft.com/rtss.html (Added: 14-Oct-1999)
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Runaway Train - The Silicone Zoo
Not really software, this is an image found on a computer circuit board. This miniature choo-choo train was discovered rolling down the tracks on a LeCroy MVV 200 analog shift register integrated circuit. The existence of the train was brought to our attention by John T. Anderson of JPS Designs located in Elburn, Illinois. The "tracks" upon which the train is apparently riding are the high speed shift register.
Info: URL: https://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/creatures/pages/train.html (Added: 9-Feb-2003)
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Pages Updated On: 2-Apr-2024 - 11:35:05