WW II Railroad Canteens - An Overview
This site explores the WW II trackside railroad canteens operated by groups at various railroad stations around the United States. Here volunteers met soldiers, sailros and mariens on every trains with baskets of food, desserts, drinks and warm smiles. At over 40 towns around the United States volunteer canteens opened. Some were operated from a small white hut next to the station and others were operated directly from the railroas station where food was prepared and volunteers manned the operation for the duration of WW II. Beyond the famous canteen at North Platee, Nebraska there were identified cantees at Martinez California; Bridgeport, Conn; Streator, Illinois; Evansville, Indiana; Elkhart, Indiana; Terre Haute, Indiana; Clinton, Iowa; Waterloo, Iowa; Olwein, Iowa; Arkansas City, Kansas; Dodge City, Kansas; Newton, Kansas; Bowling Green, Kentucky; Springfield, Missouri; Helena, Montana; Grand Island, Nebraska; Lincoln, Nebraska; McCook, Nebraska; North Platte, Nebraska; Reno, Nevada; Rochester, New York; Alliance, Ohio; Athens, Ohio; Bellefontaine, Ohio; Bucyrus, Ohio; Crestline, Ohio; Dennison, Ohio; Galion, Ohio; Lima, Ohio; Marion, Ohio; Mansfield, Ohio; Springfield, Ohio; Troy, Ohio; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Connellsville, Pennsylvania; Sayre, Pennsylvania; Aberdeen, South Dakota and El Paso, Texas
Info: URL: http://canteenbooks.com (Added: 21-Oct-2006)
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