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Railroad Links Directory: Top : Park Trains
Park Trains
Park trains are small gauge trains running in amusement parks, city parks and other public areas. Park trains usually have gauges larger than 7-1/2" but smaller than 3 feet. 12", 15", 18" and 30" gauges are common.
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Grand Scales Quarterly
The Grand Scales Quarterly is dedicated to promoting miniature railroading in the larger gauges of 12" and above. Each issue contains feature articles highlighting specific railways from around the world, their histories and operations. GSQ also offers a regular column on amusment park trains and another on budget-conscious construction techniques. How-to articles on operations and construction also appear regularly.
Info: URL: http://www.grandscales.com/giftshop/index.html (Added: 26-Feb-1999)
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Israelite House of David miniature trains
The Israelite House of David miniature trains were a fixture in Benton Harbor along Britain Avenue for sixty-five years. The high shriek of the little steam whistles as the trains passing around Eden Springs Park on a one-mile track was burned into the memories of generations of visitors and neighbors. The excitement of standing in the depot as a train rumbled in was a thrill that no kid could forget.
Info: URL: https://www.israelitehouseofdavid.com/ (Added: 16-Feb-2014)
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Pages Updated On: 2-Apr-2024 - 11:35:05