California - Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society
The Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society is a non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to the preservation of the history and heritage of the Santa Clarita Valley, located 35 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles, California. Our headquarters is located in the Saugus Train Station at Heritage Junction, 24107 San Fernando Road, Newhall, California (on the east side of William S. Hart Regional Park) .
Info: URL: https://scvhs.org/wp/ (Added: 20-May-2001)
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California - Santa Susanna Railroad Historical Society
Santa Susana, CA - Welcome to the Santa Susanna Railroad Historical Society's website. This website is dedicated to the preservation of the historical Santa Susana depot and to uniquely educate the public about California's rich railroad history and the enjoyment of model railroading. This is a uniquely interactive website, and we look forward to you participating in the rewarding experience of sharing with us your railroad knowledge or fond memories of the depot.
Info: URL: http://www.santasusannadepot.org/Clubhome.html (Added: 3-Sep-2007)
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California - Southern California Chapter R&LHS
Ponoma, CA - The Railway and Locomotive Historical Society, founded in 1921, is the oldest organization in North America devoted to railroad history. Its object is to promote research and to encourage preservation and documentation of all facets of railroading. This chapter takes pleasure in welcoming you to it's display at Fairplex, on the grounds of the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds in Pomona, California. The center of Museum activities is the former Santa Fe Depot from Arcadia, California. This was given to the Society in the summer of 1969.
Info: URL: http://www.railgiants.org/ (Added: 20-May-2001)
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Cincinnati Railroad Club
Cincinnati Railroad Club located in Cincinnati Union Station. The Cincinnati Railroad Club is a non-profit, educational organization with a membership of over 300 individuals. Please visit us at the Museum Center at Cincinnati Union Terminal. We are open to the public at no charge every Thursday 8PM - 11PM, every Saturday 10AM - 5PM, and the First & Third Sunday of each month 12PM - 4PM. The club meets on the First Thursday of each month at 7:30pm in Tower A of the Cincinnati Union Terminal.
Info: URL: http://cincinnatirrclub.org/ (Added: 12-Jun-2000)
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Colorado - Durango Railroad Historical Society
The Durango Railroad Historical Society (DRHS) was founded in 1999 and established as a Colorado non-profit corporation in March of 2000 and tax-except under IRS Code Section 501(c)(3). The catalyst for its formation was restoring D&RGW C-18 Consolidation Locomotive #315 in Santa Rita Park in south Durango.
Durango Railroad Historical Society is comprised of a dedicated group of individuals who are united by their interest in narrow gauge railroading and focus on the preservation of southwest Colorado's railroad history.
The Society is most known for its work restoring locomotive D&RGW 315. Complementing the restoration is a big book about the history, restoration, and technology of the 315 and interpretative signs on its history and restoration.
In a joint project with the San Juan County Historical Society, the two Societies reconstructed a section of Silverton Northern track and restored the engine and car pits inside the SN engine house and the engine doors. They created interpretative signs about the historical railroads of Silverton, placed in Silverton.
Info: URL: http://www.drhs315.org (Added: 7-Dec-2006)
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Colorado - Rocky Mountain Railroad Club
Denver, CO - The Rocky Mountain Railroad Club was founded in 1938. Our organization is dedicated to the preservation of historic railroad equipment and encouraging an interest in the railroad tradition. The Club has nearly 900 members. The majority of our members are from Colorado, but there are also members in 46 states and 6 foreign countries.
This site contains information about the Rocky Mountain Railroad Club, railroad history, stories of historic Colorado railroad cars, late breaking train news for railfans.
Info: URL: http://www.rockymtnrrclub.org/ (Added: 12-Jun-2000)
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Connecticut - Branford Electric Railway Association, Inc. (BERA)
East Haven, CT - The Branford Electric Railway Association, Inc. (BERA) is a 501(c)3 charitable not-for-profit organization founded in 1945, to preserve the unique heritage of an endangered species -- the trolley car, and to preserve and operate the oldest continuously operated suburban trolley line in the United States -- The Branford Electric Railway -- which opened on July 31, 1900. In 1983, the railway, along with the entire museum collection, was recognized as a National Historic District by the National Register of Historic Places.
BERA is the organization behind the Shore Line Trolley Museum, and has over 1000 members, many of whom are active volunteers.
This is the membership web site, which contains information primarily of interest to museum members, supporters and rail enthusiasts.
Info: URL: http://www.bera.org/ (Added: 30-Oct-2016)
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